Lifelong learning happens here!

Cincinnati Museum Center is committed to supporting our educators through unique and engaging professional development opportunities.

Early Childhood Science Inquiry Teacher Education (ECSITE)

Cincinnati Museum Center's ECSITE program helps early childhood educators create and implement inquiry-based science activities for their students. The program consists of workshops on "sciencing," a teaching approach which incorporates science experiences into other content areas such as literacy and math. Participating educators complete the program with greater understanding of different approaches to teaching science and the skills students develop through science activities that will help them become successful learners.

ECSITE is Ohio Approved Professional Development Training and also Kentucky Approved Early Care and Education Training.

ECSITE workshops are $20 per person, per program. Group discount available.

For more information concerning these workshop opportunities, please contact Tony Lawson at (513) 287-7000, ext. 7201 or

Comparing Approaches to Hands-On Science

Children approach learning about science in different ways. Educators should be able to vary their approaches to meet the needs of every student. Experience three approaches to teaching science in your classroom.

Process Skills

Children young and old use the same process skills when learning science. Experience them in this hands-on workshop that will foster your students' interest and success in science.

Raising Questions

Students discover science through questions grounded in their own curiosity. Discover ways to stimulate curiosity and elicit student questions that ultimately lead to investigations.

Subtle Shifts

In order to help learners develop the process skills needed for science exploration and inquiry, teachers gradually shift to giving learners more responsibility for using these skills in science activities. Practice making small shifts in existing activities to help learners strengthen the process skills needed for scientific inquiry.

Science Skills with Light and Shadows

Identify and observe the six science skills children develop through an investigation of light and shadows.

Cincinnati Heritage Programs Tours

Heritage Programs has been presenting historical, cultural and architectural tours for over 20 years. As an outreach association of the Cincinnati Historical Society, the docents of the all-volunteer Cincinnati Heritage Programs have unlocked doors to privately owned places generally not open to the public. All topics are thoroughly researched for accuracy.


Hahn Site Field School

Have you always wanted to participate in a real archaeology excavation? If so, you're in luck. Every summer, Museum Center presents an annual archaeology field school, a series of four weeklong field school sessions at the Hahn Site in Anderson Township, Hamilton County, Ohio. Join us for a week or longer and experience the thrill of uncovering artifacts and features from this Late Prehistoric village site along the Little Miami River.


Dinosaur Field School

If you’re interested in dinosaurs and want to participate in a real dig, this is the trip for you! This weeklong session will give you a wide range of experience in the basic principles and techniques of geology and paleontology. Training and collecting supplies will be provided by Cincinnati Museum Center staff under the direction of Dr. Glenn Storrs, Curator of Vertebrate Paleontology.

Learning Through Play

At Cincinnati Museum Center, we know that open-ended, hands-on play is crucial to the development of your students' literacy, life skills and kindergarten readiness. Meet the region's best childhood development experts and learn how to get the most from interactions with your little ones during this one-day conference in the spring. Choose from many hands-on sessions and visit vendors in our free information fair. Sessions are Kentucky Approved Early Care and Education Trainings and Ohio Approved Professional Development Trainings. Learn more.


Insights Lecture Series

These lectures feature local and national experts speaking on a variety of subjects chosen for their relevance and their ability to spark insight and dialogue.